29. Dezember 2014

28. Dezember 2014

Fun with Close-Ups

Indoor-Orchid-Shooting with a tele- and a macro-lens. With the tele-lens i can not get closer than 1,20 m. With the macro-lens the closest focusing distance is 20 cm.

27. Dezember 2014

22. Dezember 2014


"Minimalism is living with what you need an what you love. That´s it."

20. Dezember 2014


Hi Fotofolks (i like the F more than the Ph),

my tiny website got a makeover. Check it out, if you like: www.capkira.de. Feel free to leave a comment, in case you spot something odd and well in any other case feel free too. ;-)

30. November 2014

Foto-Bucket-Liste 2015

Hi Fotomaniacs,

da ich gern mit der Kamera in der Natur unterwegs bin, soll 2015 ein fotografisches Outdoor-und-Wildlife-Jahr werden. 

Thüringen ist facettenreich und hat einzigartige Motive zu bieten, die entdeckt werden wollen. Wer auch Spaß an derartigen Foto-Trips hat, ist herzlich eingeladen mitzukommen. Fotoevents dauern 2 bis 3 Stunden. Fototrails sind Halb- oder Ganztagestouren.

Wenn alles klappt, werde ich im August meine Freunde von DBC in Griechenland besuchen, um Delphine zu beobachten. Wer daran interessiert ist, kann gerne eine Expedition auf der DBC-Website buchen. Absolut empfehlenswert!

Euch einen schönen 1. Advent. ;-)

23. November 2014

Riechheimer Berg

Today´s sunset on top of the Riechheimer Berg was almost like in a fairy tale.

19. November 2014


Heading to the south would be a great idea right now. ;-)

18. November 2014


Today it was definitely more pleasant to stay inside, light some candles, have a hot chocolate and some music. 

10. November 2014


Considerung that it was the 1st of November, the morning light was just amazing. The photo was taken on the Kyffhäuser-Fototrail. More pics of the trip can be seen on youtube

8. November 2014

Die Kraniche von Kelbra


Da lohnt sich ein Abstecher nach Kelbra. Die Kraniche, die dort am Stausee zwischenlanden, sind garantiert noch da. Weitere Infos gibt es hier:

6. November 2014

Kyffhäuser - Ein Fototip zum Wochenende

Hallo Fotomaniacs,
am Wochenende scheint die Sonne und wer noch nichts vor hat, dem kann ich einen Fototrip zum Kyffhäuser wärmstens empfehlen. Details zur Tour könnt ihr als pdf-Datei unter folgendem Link downloaden.

Allen, die sich tatsächlich auf den Weg machen, wünsche ich viel Spaß und gutes Licht. Wanderkarte und Verpflegung nicht vergessen!

2. November 2014

Fototrail1 #Kyffhäuser

A couple of days ago, i had the idea to undertake longer photo walks through Thuringias nature. I was on a 15km-trip yesterday and it was great! The weather god was in a super mood and fortunately i (nearly) did not get lost in the forest.

Stay tuned, if you are interested in a more detailed tour description, which will follow soon.  


31. Oktober 2014

L & L

Great girls - great shooting - 1000 thanks! 
Euch beiden ein wunderschönes Halloween-WE.

26. Oktober 2014

autumn special

Hi Fotomaniacs, today i have some colourful pics for you on youtube. Just enter the woods and enjoy. ;-)


20. Oktober 2014

where the pencils grow

After hiking through the woods, i now finally know, where pencils come from.

16. Oktober 2014

Blog Break

Some renovation work needs to be done, to make my BonsaiPhotoStudio even nicer ;-).

13. Oktober 2014

Autumn Sun

Backlit scenes are fantastic but a bit tricky. They nearly always lead to underexposure of the main subject. Fortunately nobody has to sit in the darkroom anymore, surrounded by toxic chemicals, nearly driven mad by exposure errors. Just enter the amazing world of Lightroom, adjust some exposure sliders and enjoy the advantages of the digital age while having a coffee. Yum! ;-)

Special thanks to Petra. 

12. Oktober 2014

Kuchels Warte - Zerbst

Kuchels Warte is an old fortification tower, that belongs to the Zerbster Town Wall. i´ve taken this picture during an e-bike-trip (which was fun) around the 4,2 km long ancient wall. The mighty round tower, totally immerged in the rays of warm evening light, appeared especially beautiful.  

29. September 2014

urban structure #7

It´s like an Easter egg hunt in Erfurt City. Today i was lucky and found another one of these window-shutter-figures. 

Take your cam and hit the streets ;-).

28. September 2014


Although at first glance silhouette photographs appear somewhat antiquated, almost kitsch, they draw me over and over again into their spell. This one was taken last summer with an Olympus OM-D EM-10. 
The exposure was set by pointing to the bright parts of the sky but not directly into the sun. At the OM-D the exposure value can be locked by pressing the Fn1 button. The focus was adjusted separately to one of the persons in front.
Before actually taking the photo, it is useful to check the brightness of highlights and shadows by using the live view.

Enjoy the light!

en vogue

When i was looking for some cool color combination in Erfurt, i encountered this crazy shoe. It was gently placed in front of a door, waiting for what? St. Nicholas Eve?

27. September 2014

creamy water

Hi fotomaniacs ;-),

guess where this picture was taken. 

The Plitvice Lakes in Croatia are the perfect place to be at a sunny autumn day. The pretty indian summer like colors are just overwhelming. However, when i was there, no sun appeared. It was a rainy, foggy day with poor light conditions. Just perfect to obtain waterfalls, that look like milk. With the aperture set to 22 it was possible to reach an exposure time of 1 sec even without a ND-filter. Of course a tripod was necessary. The camera was triggered by the self-timer to prevent shaking.

Keep on shooting!

15. September 2014

14. September 2014

12. September 2014

urban structure#1

Being back to the city, i´m looking for structures and nice color combinations right now.

[olympus om-d em-10, 17mm lens]

6. September 2014

Dolphin Biology & Conservation

My time as assistant at DBC is over now. The eventful days in Galaxidi just flown by. Over all i´ve taken 1158(!) photographs. Some late-night-editing-sessions where necessary to obtain a reasonable number. It´s done now! 85 images are left, which i really like, including some beautiful pictures of dolphins. However, i decided not to post them on my blog, because the (virtual) home of the dolphins is here: 

Without the expertise of Gio and Silvia, i could not have taken a single good dolphin shot. Thank you so much for being patient with me and explaining the „Non-1/1000-rule“. ;-) We spent an amazing time together, facing a reality, that was like a dream.

See you next summer!

24. August 2014

Happy beetle

Sollte jemand wissen, was das für ein Käfer ist, bitte mal posten.

23. August 2014

Early Morning

Nearly sunrise at the Gulf of Corinth.

[on the way with Silvia B., DBC)

4. August 2014

2. August 2014

How to carry a "Coffee-to-go"?

Erkenntnis des Tages:
Sollte nur eine Hand verfügbar sein, den Kaffeebecher nur wie abgebildet wegtragen. Die kleine Öffnung mit dem Daumen zuzuhalten, ist auch eher eine schlechte Idee.

Schmecken lassen!

18. Juli 2014

Amazing Couple

Es ist gar nicht so einfach, fremde Menschen auf der Straße zu fotografieren. Dieses außergewöhnliche Paar war für mich ein spannendes Motiv und ich war mutig genug, um eine Aufnahme zu bitten ... mit Erfolg ;-).